61-4-The Children meet Buffet, Vasarely, Mathieu and Saint Phalle 4- 100x158cm-2021

79-2-Jean-Michel meet Warhol 2-111x150cm-2021

85-1-Andy meets Warhol 1- 100x125cm-2021

85-2-Keith, Jean Michel, Yves, Salvador meet Combas and Klein 2 -100x125cm-2021

87-10-Children meet Buffet, Kaws and Koons 10 - 100x151cm - 2021

87-11-The children meet Lichtenstien, Indiana, Warhol, Keith Haring and Basquiat 11 -150x227cm - 2021

87-12-The children meet Mondrian and Saint Phalle 12 - 100x152cm-2021

87-17-Jean Michel and The children meet Warhol, Indiana, Haring and Basquiat -100x150cm-2021

87-19-Children meet Murakami, Koons, Warhol, Haring and Kasuma 19-100x150cm

87-21-Children meet Warhol, Haring, Lichtenstein and Basquiat 21-150x227cm-2021

98-15-Andy, Yves and Jean-Michel meet Warhol, Dali, Klein, Giacometti, Picasso and Basquiat 15- 98x150cm 2021

100-2-Children meet Lichtenstien, Murakami, Koons and Kaws 2-110x165cm-2021

107-9-Children meet Magritte, Van Gogh, Koons, Lichtenstien, Giacometti and Saint Phalle 9- 108x180cm - 2021

107-10-The children meet Buffet, Koons, Gacometti and Saint Phalle 10- 70x120cm - 2021

107-12-Children meet Saint phalle and mel ramos 12 - 150x120cm -2021

107-13-René, Salvador, Nikki and the children meet Magritte, Fontana, Buffet, Léger, Saint Phalle, Botero 13 - 120x150cm-2021

107-14-René, Jean Michel, Andy and the children meet Magritte, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Haring and Klein 14 - 90x150cm -2021

107-15-René, Salavador, Nikki, Andy and the children meet Magritte, Fontana, Chagall, Warhol, and Koons 15 - 115x143cm - 2021

113-2-Gully meets Vasarely, Koons and Saint Phalle 2 -112x150cm-2021

119-3-Jean Michel meets Basquiat 3-90x153cm-2021

121-7-René, Jean Michel, Yves, Andy, Vincent and the children meet Basquiat, Saint Phalle, Chagall, Klein, Magritte, Warhol and Van Gogh 7-100x150cm-2021

125-2-Jean Michel and the cop meet Magritte, Hopper, Caillebotte, Vasarely, Koons, Arman, Saint Phalle, Magritte, Botero and Haring 2-70x110cm-2021

129-1-Roy and Jean-Michel meet Lichtenstien 1- 150x100cm-2021

142-3-Keith, Pablo, René, Andy and Jean michel meet Murakami, Mondrian, Basquiat, Buffet, Koons, Lichtenstien, Picasso, Klein, Magritte and Léger 3 -107x150cm-2021

148-2-Children meets Rockwell 2-130x180cm

156-20- Vincent meet Van Gogh 20 - 130x112cm - 2021

156-25-Keith, Andy, Jean Michel meet Basquiat, Haring and Warhol - 130x112cm - 2021

156-26-Pablo, Andy, Jean Michel meet Picasso, Basquiat, Warhol and Chagall 26-130x111cm-2021

162-3-Keith, Andy, Jean-Michel and the Children meet Haring, Warhol and Basquiat 3-159x195cm-2021

166-2-This is not Basquiat 2-160x98cm-2021

184-3-Children meet Lichtenstein, Pollock, Botero, Buffet, Basquiat, Miro, Picasso 3 - 100x150cm-2021

193-1-Andy, Niki, Jean Michel and friends meet Basquiat, Warhol and Haring 1 -120x144cm-2021

197-1-Keith, Pablo, Andy adn Jean-Michel meet Rokkaku, Kusama, Murakami and Nara 1 -161x200cm -2021

198-3-René meet Magritte - 137x150cm -2021

201-2-This is not Basquiat 2--Games of Thrones-100x160cm-2021

201-3-This is not Basquiat Cow 1-71x100cm-2021

224-7-Pablo, Nikki, Jean-Michel, Andy and René meet Rockwell, Lichtenstein and Picasso 7 -100x150cm-2021

224-11-Andy, Pablo, Vincent, Norman, Jean-Michel meet Basquiat, Rothko, Picasso, Pollock, Lichtenstein 11 -100x150cm-2021

224-13-René, Nikki, Jean-Michel, Andy and Pablo meet Picasso, Basquiat, Warhol and Lichtenstein 13 -100x150cm-2021

227-1-Self portrait by Norman 1-100x177cm-2021

228-1-Keith, Andy and Jean Michel meet Haring, Warhol and Basquiat 1 - 100x150cm-2021

A12-29-Hommage NTHK Picasso 29-114x210cm-2021

A12-30-Hommage NTHK Miro 30-114x210cm-2021

A12-34-Hommage NTHK Mondrian and Picasso 34 - 90x164cm-2021

A12-35-Hommage NTHK Picasso, Malevitch and Vasarely 35-90x164cm-2021

A12-35-Hommage NTHK Picasso 35-100x183cm-2021.JPG

A12-36-Hommage NTHK Picasso (Yves, Jackson, René and Jean Michel) 36-90x164cm-2021

A12-43-Hommage NTHK Chagall 43 120x220cm-2021

44-8-Vincent meet Van Gogh 8- 120x140cm-2021

44-17-Rockwell meet Warhol, Lichtenstien and Klein 17 - 127x150cm - 2021

44-19 - Gully present Warhol and Basquiat 19 120x127cm - 2021