87-2-Rockwell meet Mondrian-133x200cm
111-2-Children-meet-Mel- Ramos-Adults-Only-1-2017-100x167cm
119-2- Basquiat the child sees his future work - 105x180cm - 2017 (3)
121-2-Children-meet-Poussin and Picasso 2-2017-150x220cm
133- Gully and Os Gemeos confronts police in an abandoned place 1-90x135cm-2017
142-2-Children meet Buffet-2-2017-130x180cm
143-2-Children meet Buffet 2- 120x180cm (2)
148-1-Children meet Rockwell 1-130x180cm-2017
152-1-Children meet Lichtenstein 1-96x216cm-2017 (8)
153-1-Children meet Picasso, Gauguin, Munch, Van Gogh, Degas, Monet, Wood 1, 157x200cm 2017
155-1-Children meet Lichtenstein 1- 150x187cm-2017 (8)
156-1 Children meet Magritte 120x180cm 2017
158- Children meet Klein 1 - 163 x 200 cm - 2017
162-1-Children meet Bottero 1_-160x200cm-2017 - Copie
163-1-Children meet Miro and Klein- 120x150cm
164-1- Children meet haring, lichtenstien, Ramos, hopper - -190x150cm-2017
166-2 This is not a Basquiat 10 - 2017 -190x160cm
166-this is not a basquiat n°9-160x210 - 2017
7.2 - Gully meets Vermeer, Van Gogh, Monet Manet and Degas 1 - 113 x 150 cm - 2017
51-2-Masters of Gully 1-110 x 150cm-2017
61-2-Children meet Lichtenstien 1 - 100x158cm (2)
62-Leyendecker meets Giacometti 1-2017-120x150cm
73-2-Children meet Botero and bullfighting - 90x160cm - 2017 (3)
138-2-Children-meet-Warhol -in-the-castle-2-2017-150x225cm (2)